Tax Collector - Melissa Bonito
Deputy Tax Collector - Frank Riley
Office Hours
Tuesday 8am-10am
*Closed Holidays
For Questions or to Request an Appointment:
Office (603) 399-7211 * Email: * Fax (603) 399-4386
Mailing Address:
Westmoreland Tax Collector
PO Box 112
Westmoreland, NH 03467
Physical Address:
Westmoreland Tax Collector
780 Route 63
Westmoreland, NH 03467
Taxes are billed twice a year and are due approximately on the 1st of July and the 1st of December. For mailed payments, the postmark date will be used as the paid date.
Payment history, copies of bills, and outstanding balances can be found using the online payment button above.
For addresses changes, assessment information, including tax cards, please contact the Selectmen’s Office (603) 399-4471 or
Property Tax Abatement Application Applications can be submitted to the Selectmen's Office.
2024 Tax Rate
Municipal: $5.11
School $13.48
State Education Tax: $1.44
County: $3.03
Total: $23.06 per $1000 of Assessed Value
2023 Equalization Ratio: 72.5%
Payment button above (ACH Fee $0.95, Credit Card Fee 2.95%)
You will see your balance (including interest if applicable), and be able to print a receipt.
Send checks payable: Town of Westmoreland to PO Box 112, Westmoreland, NH 03467. Please include bottom portion ONLY of your bill, and a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like a receipt.
During Tax Collector's office hours or during Town Clerk hours
Mail slot front of town hall or Selectmen’s office