Town Clerk - Frank Riley
Deputy Town Clerk - Raymond Alejandro
Tuesday 8-5
Wednesday 8-4
Closed Holidays
780 Route 63, PO Box 111
Westmoreland, NH 03467
(603) 399-7211
Online Renewal Available
Renew vehicle registrations and dog licenses online using payment buttons.
ACH fees $0.95 and Credit Cards $2.95%
Photo Courtesy Jeffrey Newcomer
Registrations all start with Town Clerk
Non-NH driver's license holders must provide proof of residence/domicile defined RSA 259:23.
*Registration Fees vary according to
the make/model and year of vehicle.
Vehicle Registration Tax Deductible
Vehicle Registration Information
*Current registration is required when transferring plate to a new vehicle.
*Vehicles over 26,000 state portions must
be completed at DMV
License Dogs by April 30th
Dogs Must Have Current Rabies Certificate
Unaltered Male/Female: $10.00
Neutered Male/Spayed Female: $7.50
Puppies (4-6 months old): $7.50
Senior citizens (over 65) first dog: $2.00 additional Dogs charged as above
Mailing Fee $1.00
Additional Late Fees
$1 each month after June 1st
Not Registered by June 21st $25 Forfeit Per Dog RSA 466:13
To obtain a certified copy of a birth, death, marriage, divorce, or civil union
Submit in person during office hours or send completed application, payment, copy of photo ID, and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Westmoreland Town Clerk
PO Box 111
Westmoreland, NH 03467
To obtain a marriage license
Both parties must be present to complete the marriage license application. Proof of age, birthplace, and of any previous marriages is required. Birth Certificate suggested although not required. The fee for a marriage license is $50.00.
Registering to Vote
Register to vote at the Town Clerk's office, or when the Supervisors of the Checklist meet as posted, or on election day.
Registrants must provide proof of citizenship, proof of age, and proof of domicile in Westmoreland. Documents include Birth Certificate or US Passport and driver's license. You will also need utility bill with Westmoreland address if you have not yet obtained a Westmoreland driver's license.
*Interested in being a Ballot Clerk? Please call Selectmen's office 399-4471 for more information.
See town calendar for upcoming events
Supervisors of the Checklist
Rachel Bartlett
Laurie Burt
Dawn Lincoln
Laws and Permits
Property owners and contractors should understand the laws and have the necessary permits before any activity involving dock construction, dredge and fill activity in wetlands, and working within 250 feet of the shoreline of any public body of water is conducted.
Contact (NHDES) NH Department of Environmental Services
29 Hazen Drive P.O. Box 95
Concord, NH 03302-0095
(603) 271-3503
Information and permit applications can also be found on the NHDES website